الأربعاء، 3 أبريل 2013

قصيدة : عندما خيرت اندروماخي بين ان تهان ذكرى زوجها هكتور او ان يقتل ابنها استيانكس ..

Hinc natus, illinc coniugis sacri cinis.
Pars utra vincet? Testor immites deos,
deosque veros coniugis manes mei,
non aliud, Hector, in meo nato mihi
placere quam te vivat, ut possit tuos
referre vultus. - Prorutus tumulo cinis
mergetus? Ossa fluctibus spargi sinam
disiecta vastis? Potius hic mortem oppetat. -

Poteris nefandae deditum mater nec
videre? Poteris celsa per fastiga
missum rotari? Potero, perpetiar, feram,
dum non meus post fata victoris manu
iactetur Hector. - hic suam poenam potest
sentire, at illum fata iam in tuto locant. -

Quid fluctuaris? statue, quem poenae extrahas.
Ingrata, dubitas? Hector est illinc tuus -
erras - utrimque est Hector; hic sensus potens,
forsan futurus ultor extincti patris -
utrique parci non potest. Quid iam facis?
Serva e duobus, anime, quem Danai timent.

What do I do? A twin fear distracts my heart:
here my son, there my husband's sacred ash.
 Which side shall prevail? I appeal to the pitiless gods
, and the true deities, [which are] the shades of my husband, not another,
 Hector, other than my son is [more] pleasing to me than you.
May he live, that he is able to restore your countenance
. - Shall your (Hector's) ashes, having been removed from your tomb, be drowned?
 Shall I permit the bones to be strewn and scattered in the vast waves?
 Better let this one (Astyanax) encounter death. -
Will you (Andromache), the mother, be able to see him dedicated to a nefarious death?
 Will you be able [to see him] sent to be whirled from the lofty heights?
 I will be able, I shall endure, I shall bear,
while my Hector after his fate will not be thrown by the victor's hand.
 - That one (Astyanax) is able to feel punishment, but fate now moved the other into safety. -
Why are you (Andromache) uncertain? Determine whom you pull away from punishment.
 Ungrateful, why do you doubt? Your Hector is on that side - you are mistaken - on both sides is Hector;
this one (Astyanax) [has] a powerful sense of pain, perhaps he will be a future avenger to his father's death -
it is not possible to spare both. Now what are you doing?
 Preserve from the two, my soul, the one whom the Danai fear (Astyanax).

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